Borderless giving
The Gift Trust is a proud facilitator of borderless giving. Since 2009, we’ve helped New Zealand charities bring in more than $62 million in tax-efficient overseas donations, and we’ve helped New Zealand donors give $1.5 million to overseas charities tax-efficiently. Our wide range of international partnerships means that whether you’re a New Zealander wanting to support an international cause, or an overseas tax resident wanting to do good in Aotearoa New Zealand, we can help you make good happen.

Myriad, the alliance for borderless giving
The Gift Trust is delighted to announce our new relationship with Myriad, the alliance for borderless giving. This new partnership will bring faster and more effective access to international giving opportunities for our donors and for overseas donors seeking funding opportunities in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Giving to NZ charities from the US
The Gift Trust has partnered with Myriad USA, a U.S. 501(c)(3) registered entity, to facilitate tax-efficient giving to New Zealand charitable causes for U.S. tax residents.

Supporting giving across Asia Pacific
As wealth increases across the Asia Pacific region, so is philanthropy. The charitable sector is booming, and donors look more and more to the opportunities and challenges facing the whole region. That’s why The Gift Trust is proud to be a founding member of the Asia Pacific Giving Network, an international community of national foundations and charitable institutions seeking to grow the amount of private giving that goes overseas.
“New Zealanders are an incredibly generous nation with a strong philanthropic tradition. We also have many international connections with an increasingly large population of people who were born in other countries and a large diaspora of expatriate Kiwis around the world. The Gift Trust works with a wide range of donors, both within New Zealand and internationally, who have a connection to NZ but often want to spread their generosity to many geographic areas. We are excited to join the Asia-Pacific Giving Network as it will connect our donors to a trusted network and provide them with an efficient borderless giving mechanism.”
– Cheryl Spain, Executive Director, The Gift Trust

Giving to international charities from Aotearoa
International giving is an important part of what we do, helping New Zealand tax residents to support their chosen causes regardless of where they’re located. We conduct additional checks on these charities before we make the donations to make sure they comply with New Zealand charitable standards, and to make sure that our donors can preserve their donation tax credits. Unlike other funding mechanisms, we can often pay international charities directly rather than through a third-party, ensuring that more of the funds go towards charitable work:
- Carbon Critical Net-Zero Fund is using The Gift Trust’s collaborative funding service to help New Zealanders support highly-effective international climate charities like Coalition for Rainforest Nations.
- Seed The Change | He Kākano Hāpai is supporting Miracle Feet to provide access to treatment of clubfoot for children worldwide.
- A number of independent donors are using The Gift Trust on an ad-hoc basis to support their favourite international charities.