Aotearoa Zambia Fund
Welcome to the Aotearoa Zambia Fund, powered by The Gift Trust.
The Aotearoa Zambia Fund is set up to provide funds for community-led projects in Zambia. Initially set up as a means of making reparations for a difficult colonial past, the fund now facilitates donations from anyone wanting to support community projects in Zambia.
Our key project currently is Fluent Zambia, which is a Zambian charity committed to the preservation of indigenous languages and culture. Fluent Zambia does this by supporting children and families to use their mother tongue and through the creation of indigenous language resources. We think this work is vital for healing colonisation and building the Zambia of the future.
If you would like to learn more please contact the team at The Gift Trust, fund founder Kate Frykberg, or Fluent Zambia founder Bright Kifita.
Thank you for considering making a donation.
Read more about Fluent Zambia on The Gift Trust’s blog
I’m ready to make a donation
When you make a donation, your name, email and donation amount will be shared with Aotearoa Zambia Fund.